ABOUT AUSTAFE is the professional association of TAFE managers across Australia. It provides a forum for discussion, encourages communication among senior managers of VET providers and government authorities, and provides advice to government and other authorities as appropriate. The website provides news, online feedback and membership application forms, resources for members, and links to other […]
Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE)

ABOUT WAVE is a network of women involved in VET, adult and community education, and the broad field of work-related education and training. WAVE holds a national conference and has produced research reports which are included on their website. Keywords education women wave rights 2016 national training community knowledge adult Geographical and Contact details PO […]
Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET)

ABOUT ACPET is the national industry association for independent providers of post-compulsory education and training, for Australian and international students. ACPET holds a national annual conference and rolling forums and workshops throughout the year. In addition to the ACPET website, it has regular forms of communication (e.g. newsletters, updates) with its members and produces an […]
Association of VET Professionals (VISTA)

ABOUT VISTA was the peak association for professionals working in the Victorian Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. VISTA ceased trading in May 2015. Keywords vista meeting 2015 professionals memberships committee motion insolvency relevant sector Contact details Phone: +61 3 9431 1100Email:
Community Colleges Australia (CCA)

ABOUT Community Colleges Australia is the peak body that represents and provides services to community owned, not-for-profit education and training providers. Keywords community opportunities advocates delivery strategic research publications projects work learning Geographical and Contact details Postal Address: PO Box 1839Queen Victoria Building Post OfficeSYDNEY NSW 1230 Street Address: Suite 1016,The Trust Building 155 King […]
The Vocational, Education and Training Industry Group (VETIG)

ABOUT VETIG is a community of experienced, professional practitioners committed to developing exceptionally high performance training and assessment practices for VET professionals. Keywords vocational training industry community members networks VET capabilities groups assessors Geographical and Contact details VETIGc/-1/52 Jeffcott StreetWAVELL HEIGHTS,Qld 4012 Phone: (07) 3866 0888Fax: (07) 3866 0899Email:
Victorian TAFE Association (VTA)

ABOUT The VTA is Victoria’s peak employer body for the public providers of TAFE in Victoria. The VTA holds an annual conference – the theme for 2015 was ‘Leading Transformational Change’. The VTA has as members all of Victoria’s TAFE Institutes, four Victorian dual-sector Universities, and an Associate member, AMES. VTA engages its members in […]
Australian College of Educators (ACE)

ABOUT The Australian College of Educators is the national professional association which represents educators across all sectors and systems. The ACE holds a national annual conference and a range of other events in each jurisdiction. Jodi Schmidt, CEO TAFE Queensland spoke at the 2015 conference on the topic of ‘Professionalising the VET professional’. Keywords events […]
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)

ABOUT Established in 1981, NCVER is a not-for-profit company owned by the federal, state and territory ministers responsible for training. It is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing, evaluating and communicating research and statistics about VET. In addition to its main web portal, NCVER is responsible for a number of activities and resources of direct relevance […]
Adult Learning Australia (ALA)

ABOUT Adult Learning Australia (ALA) – the national peak body representing organisations and individuals in the adult learning field. ALA’s activities include advocacy, advice to government, development of learning resources, and research and dissemination. The website provides links to the latest news, publications, events, information about ALA projects, special interest groups and adult learning resources, […]