
The Victorian TAFE Association conducts regular events, seminars, meetings and conferences throughout the year. Regular meetings and seminars are part of the VTA’s professional development program. All of our meetings and seminars are designed to meet the needs and concerns of our members and are held at venues in Melbourne and regional areas. They are held exclusively for our members and associate members.

State Conference

The Association holds an annual conference for institute Board Directors, CEOs, executive staff and senior managers. These conferences provide challenging and topical programs that reflect major themes affecting the vocational education and training sector.  

Past events.


Annual General Meeting

The AGM is open to all Institute CEOs, Executive Directors of TAFE Divisions of Universities and TAFE Board Chairpersons (or board nominee), and provides an opportunity to review the VTA’s activities for the preceding year, and to discuss its future directions. The AGM elects on an annual basis the VTA Board. Board Directors are welcome to attend as observers.

Association Council

Association Council meetings provide an opportunity for Board Chairpersons and CEOs of TAFEs to regularly meet, hear reports on VTA activities and determine positions that the Association will adopt and implement.

Board Chair Forums

Board Chairs meet to discuss governance, strategic planning and policy issues.

CEO Council

CEO Council is a monthly meeting at which CEO’s meet to discuss and debate current TAFE issues.

Communities of Practice

The VTA supports many communities of practice and members’ networks such as the HR Managers, Marketing Managers, Educational Leaders, and Community and Industry Engagement Managers.  The VTA owns and operations Victorian TAFE International, a community of practice for VET managers who work in international education.