Work-based Education Research Centre is a research and development centre that investigates how learning takes place in, through and for the workplace.
Our activities contribute to knowledge and policy development in Vocational Education Training (VET) at Victoria University (VU).
The Centre performs the five major functions:
research and consultancy
developing innovative products and processes
capacity building
These provide the framework for strategic planning, and ensure our core business fits with the University’s mission of applying research to the real world.
- university
- provider
- cricos
- facilities
- students
- public
- provide
- research
- transport
- staff
Geographical and Contact details
Work-based Education Research Centre
300 Queen Street
Work-based Education Research Centre
Victoria University
PO Box 14428
Melbourne VIC 8001
Phone: +61 3 9919 8529
Email: hugh.guthrie@vu.edu.au