Victoria’s TAFE Institute Boards have been vested with significant autonomy and accountability. To help Boards adopt and maintain best practice in this area, the VTA and the Victorian Government Department of Education and Training has produced a suite of resources that can assist members in implementing and maintaining good governance policies and procedures.
Click on the following link to access Governance Training Resources
The VTA is able to offer valuable support to members in the human resources area. We assist Institutes to develop their employee relations strategies. Related services include advice on staff contracts and staff development, strategic advice on industrial relations matters, and assistance in union interactions.
Regular HR Network meetings are part of the Association’s professional development program. The meetings are designed to meet the individual needs and concerns of our members, and provide a community of practice for HR professionals to share, question and support each other.
A Manual for Best Practice in Employee Relations provides Institute Boards, CEOs, employee relations staff and line managers with an invaluable tool to inform and guide best practice employee relations/industrial relations practices.
As the peak body for members, the Association represents members in a variety of educational settings. In particular, the VTA provides advice in relation to the development of courses relevant to the TAFE professional workforce, initiates reforms to improve educational outcomes in VET and seeks to link members to educational opportunities locally, nationally and internationally. The VTA secretariat is guided by the members in initiating discussion papers and position papers for circulation to the broader educational community.