The Australian Education Index provides a complex and sophisticated subscription database consisting of more than 200,000 entries relating to educational research, policy and practice. Relevant to a wide range of people interested in education from schools and universities as well as the researcher. It covers the period 1979 to the present.
AEI is produced by Cunningham Library at the Australian Council for Educational Research as one of its specialist databases. AEI is available online through subscriptions with Informit Online and Dialog (as International ERIC).
Members of Cunningham Library have access to the latest four years direct from the ACER Library web site – see library members page for details. The database is updated monthly to ensure that members are informed promptly of recent research and trends in teaching and training.
Articles from leading Australian journals indexed in AEI are available through EdResearch Online (ACER Library web site) and the text of the complete article can be downloaded through the Complete Article Service for a fee covering copyright and handling costs.